Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Summer's Great Big Book Of Intergers

Chapter one: Grade 7 integers review

- number line
- integer chips
- zero pair

- negative and positive numbers


- Number line

"When subtracting something that isn't there use a zero pair"

Find the zero pairs for the following integers

-6 +10 -16 63
+6 -10 +16 -63

-11 +11

+ 14 -14

19 -19

integers Ala grade 7

have 4 owe 4
(+4) + (-4) = O

Brackets are training wheels.
Standard form:

+4 + -4
+4 -4

pure standard form:
4 -4

3 -2 = Subtraction = adding a negative integer.


-3 - (-7) = -10

-3 - 7 = 10

3 - 7 = -4

3 + 7 = 10

-3 + 7 = 4

Chapter 2 multiplying integers:

multiplying integers:

(+2) x (+3) = +6

(2) x (3) = 6

(2) (3) = 6 2 (3) = 6
standard form

(=2) x (+3) = 6


2 groups of ( +3) = 6

( +2) x (-3) = -6


2 groups of (-3) = -6

(-2) x (+3)

(+3) x (-2) = -6

remove 2 groups of (+3)
(use zero pairs)

( -2) x (-3)
remove 2 groups of (-3) = +6

(-3) x (-4) = + 12

(+2) x (+4) = +8

(+5) x (-2) = -10

(+4) x (+2) = -8 - 4 x 2 for zero pairs remove (+) left with (-)

(-6) x (-1) = -6

Sign Rule: (negative signs)

Even: when you have an even number of negative factors the product is positive.

Odd: when you have an odd number of negative factors the product is negative.

Chapter 3 dividing integers:

Partitive division using a number line:

6 / 2 =

-6 / (-2) =

Quatative Division:

(-6) / 2 = -3

Multiplicative Inverse:

6 / (-2) = 4

Sign Rule for Division: using

6 / 2 = 3

-6 / (-2) = -4

(-6) + 2 = -4

6 / (-2) = 4

Chapter 4 order of operations with integers:

explain how to solve this:

(+5) x (-3) + (-6) / (+3) =

[(+5) x (-3)] + [(-6) / (+3)] =

-8 + -17 = -25

first add extra brackets then do the problems that are inside the extra brackets then add the two numbers that came from the extra brackets together and you have your answer.

1 comment:

  1. Wow summer really long post and good job I think you deserve a high five
