Sunday, March 20, 2011

Karl's Great Big Book of Integers

Chapter 1 Grade 7 Review
Questions from class
1) -3 - (-7)=4

2) -3 - 7=-10

3)3 - 7=-4

4) 3 + 7=10

5) -3 + 7 = 4

Chapter 2 Multiplying Integers

(+2) x (+3)= 6

+++ +++ 2 groups of +3

2) (+2) x (-3)= -6

--- --- 2 groups of -3

(-2) x (+3)= -6

4) (-2) x (-3)= +6

Sign Rule (Negative Signs)

Even: When you have an even number of negative factors the product is positive.
Odd: When you have a odd number of negative factors the product is negative.

Chapter 3 Dividing Integers

Partitive Division: When you use groups to find your quotient

6 ÷ 2= 3

-6÷ (-2)= 3

Quotative Division: Share a number between an amount of groups

(-6)÷2= -3

Multiplicative Inverse: When you rewrite a division question to a multiplication question because you can't find a way to use partitive or quotative division.

ex. 6÷(-2)=
you can't share 6 with -2 people so you use the multiplicative inverse
answer: -3

Chapter 4 Order of Operations with Integers

(+5) x (-3) + (-6)
÷ (+3) = ?

You can use BEDMAS to solve this question
BEDMAS stands for:

There are no brackets or exponents so you could skip the B and the E.
There is a division question and that is (-6)
÷ (+3).
÷ (+3) = -2.
The question now is (+5) x (-3) + (-2) = ?
There is a multiplication question and that is (+5) x (-3).
(+5) x (-3) = -15
The question now is (-15) + (-2)
Now all you have to do is solve (-15) + (-2).
(-15) + (-2) = -17.
Your answer is -17

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