Monday, March 7, 2011

John's Great Book Of Integers

Chapter 1- Grade 7 integer review

-6 - (-4)= -2

-10+6= -4

6-7+2= 1

14-(-3)= 4

-3-(-7)= 4

-3-7= - 10



Chapter 2- Multiplying Integers

Examples for todays class
(+2)(+3).... 2 groups of +(3) = +6
(-2)(-3)...... remove -2 groups of -3 = +6
(+2)(-3)...... 2 groups of (-3) = -6
(-2)(+3)....... remove -2 groups of (+3)

Chapter 3- Dividing Integers

Even : When you have a even number of negative factors your product is positive.

Odd :When you have a odd number of negative factors your product is negative.

Partitive Division : when you use groups to find your quotient.

6 \ 2 =3

(-6) / (-2)

Quotative Division - sharing a certain number between a given value.


(-6) / 2 = -3

Sign Rule

In a division question if there is an even amount or no (-) the answer will be a positive

In a division question if there is a odd amount of (-) the answer will be negative

Chapter 4: order of operations

(+6) x (-2) + (-6) ÷ (+2)= +15 (how to get answer)

÷ (+2) = -3
[(+6) x (-2)] = (-3)
-12 + (-3) = -15

order :
1. brackets (square brackets)
2. division
5. subtraction.

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