Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Louis' Great Big Book of Integers

Chapter 1
Grade 7 Integer Review

Questions for class

-6 - (-4) = -2
-10 + 6 = -4
6 - 7 + 2 = 1
14 - (-3) = 4

- 3 - (-7) = 4

- 3 - 7 = - 10

3 - 7 = - 4

3 + 7 = 10

- 3 + 7 = 4

Chapter 2
Multiplying Integers

(+2) x (+3) = 6
"make 2 groups of (+3)"

(+2) x (-3) = -6
"make 2 groups of (-3)"

(-2) x (+3) = -6
"remove 2 groups of (+3)"

(-2) x (-3) = 6
"remove 2 groups of (-3)"

Sign Rule (negative signs)

Even = When you have a even number of negative factors your product is positive.

Odd = When you have a odd number of negative factors your product is negative.

Chapter 3
Dividing Integers

Partitive Division - when you use groups to find your quotient.

6 ÷ 2 = 3

(-6) ÷ (-2) = 3

Quotative Division - share numbers with specific groups

(-6) ÷ 2 = -3

Chapter 4
Order of Operations

(+5) x (-3) + (-6) ÷ (+3)= ?
  1. Always do multiplication and division first
  2. Put square brackets around (+5) x (-3) ex. [(+5) x (-3)]
  3. Put square brackets around (-6) ÷ (+3) ex. [(-6) ÷ (+3)]
  4. Solve (-15) + (-2) = -17

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