Sunday, March 20, 2011

Breanna's Great Big Book of Integers

Chapter 1:
Adding and Subtracting Integers
-6-(-4)= (-2)
-10+6= (-4)
6-7+2= 1
14- (-3)= 17

-3-(-7)= 4

-3-7= (-10)

Chapter 2:
Multiplying Intergers

(+3)x(+2)= 3 groups of 2
repeated addition
2+2+2= +6
two groups of +3
(2)x (+3)=

(+2)x(+3)= +6
2 groups of (+3)Add Image

(-2)x(+3)= -6

Sign Rules

Even- When you have an even number of negative factors the product is positive.
Odd- When you have an odd number of negative factors the product is negative

Chapter 3:
Dividing Integers

Partitive Division is when you use groups of to get to your quotient.


(-6)/(-2)= +3

(-6)/2= (-3)

Multiplicative Inverse is when you use multiplication to figure out your quotient.
Means 6/(-2)=(-3)

Sign Rules

In a divison question with an even amount or no negative signs the quotient will be positive.
example: 6/2=3

In a divison question with an odd number of negative signs the quotient will be negative.
example (-6)/2=3
6/(-2)= (-3)

Chapter 4
Order of Operations with Intergers

(+5)x(-3) + (-6)/(+3)=

Scince there are no square brackets or exponents we should start with division and multiplication going from left to right.

[(+5) x (-3)] +[(-6)/(+3)]=

After your done with division and multiplication you should do the addition

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