Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Emily's Term 2 Reflection

I did the best on the volume unit during term two. I got 100% on all of my volume tests. I found the formulas easy to use. the easiest shape to figure out for me was the right rectangular prism. Volume was also easy because it didn't take a lot of work to figure out.

I did really good in math this term but my worst unit would have to be surface area because I messed up on the unit test. But I did good on the rest of the quizzes.

I will do better next term by making sure I review my work before tests. I always did my homework but to improve I would make sure I take more time to get the right answers.

I learned that percent could be represented as a decimal and a fraction. You could also represent a percent by using a hundred grid. I also learned about the percent of a number and combining percents using basic math strategies. For surface area we learned how to calculate the surface area of a cylinder using the formula 2.p.r.rx2.r.h. We used lxw for a rectangular prism and bxh/2 and lxw for a triangular prism. During the volume unit I learned how to find the volume of a right rectangular prism using the formula lxw.h. I also learned how to find the volume of a right triangular prism using the formula bxh/2.h and I learned how to find the volume of a cylinder using the formula p.r.r.h. Lastly I learned how to find the volume of a shape with a piece taken out of it.

Here is my TERM TWO REFLECTION audioboo:


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