Sunday, October 17, 2010

Colleen's Sesame Street Video Post

Group members: Hazel, and Colleen.

Ratio: Compares two units measured in the same unit.

Rates: Compares two quantities measured in different units.
Unit Rate: A rate in which the second term is one.

Proportional Reasoning:
a relationship that says two ratios or rates are equal.


  1. Awesome Job Colleen! I liked how your post was very neat and organized. I liked your pictures because they were nice and big! I also like how the video has a colored border.. Keep up the good work!

  2. Great job Colleen! I like the images you made! Your remake video was very interesting.. your voices had this certain " flow " that caught my attention! Anyways .. I think you should make your font a BIT bigger! other than that...awesome job!

  3. Good job Colleen! I liked the images you made. Next time try not to make your font that small because it was kind of hard to read.

  4. great job!!!!! i like how you used alot of color in your pictures it makes them look bigger but your words are a little small also i like your video but you should try to memorize it more and make sure we see your work

  5. Great Job Colleen! Good job creating your images. Next time dont make the size of the font so small, it makes it harder to read, but other than that good job ! (:

  6. Good JOb Colleen. I liked how you made your pictures. Your font size are a little bit small so I suggest next time make it bigger so its easier for other people to read it.

  7. Great post Colleen!! Your post was really organized and I liked your video.

  8. Good post Colleen!!! your post was good, you had color, video and picture. keep the good work up

  9. Good post Colleen. your post was really organized, you had nice pictures, and nice video. Keep it up.
