Sunday, January 16, 2011

Final Percent Post

1) Percents are out of 100. It is also another name for hundredths. Percents can be represented in fractions, decimals, and grids. In this unit we learned how to convert percents into decimals and fractions. We learned how to combine percents, and how to find a certain percent of a number.

4.1 Representing Percents

You can represent percents using hundred grids.

eg. 50%

4.2 Fractions, Decimals, and Percents

You can convert fractions and decimals into percents.

eg. 50%

4.3 Percent of a number

You can find the percent of a number by using mental math strategies.

ex. halving, doubling or dividing by 10

You can also find the percent of a number by converting the percent to a decimal and multiplying it by the number.

ex. 10% of 100

10 divided by 100= 0.1

0.1 x 100 = 10

4.4 Combining Percents

You can combine percents by adding to solve problems.

ex. 5% + 7% = 12%

2) Here is the video I made on percents

3) Here is a link to my percent scribe post ---->*click here*

4) Here is a link that explains more about percents. ---->*click here*

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