Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Emily's Algebra Post

Chapter 1:

Solving "one step" algebra equations:

Step 1: Isolate the variable

Step 2: Use a zero pair to cancel the constant

Step 3: Balance (do the same thing to both sides of the equation)

Step 4: Verify (check your answer)








Let green be n in all questions

Let red be 1 in all questions

Let white be -1 in all questions

Solving "two step" algebraic equations:

Step 1:
Isolate the variable

Step 2:
Use a zero pair to cancel the constant

Step 3:
Balance (do the same thing to both sides of the equation)

Step 4:
Simplify the variable

Step 5:
Verify (check your answer)

Let green be n in all questions

Let red be 1 in all questions

Let white be -1 in all questions

Here are some links that may help you with solving algebraic equations:

One step algebraic equations

Two step
algebraic equations

Here is a series of videos that may help you with solving algebraic equations:

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