Sunday, May 8, 2011

Angelique's Algebra Post

Algebra - Writing mathematical phrases using letters to represent numbers.
Eg. x+4=9
Variable - A letter that represents a number in an equation or expression.
Eg. n+3=5 - "n" is the variable.
Constant - The constant is the integer in algebra
Eg. n+5 - "+5" is the constant.
Expression - A pattern, many possible answers.
Eg. 2x
Equation - Only one possible answer and has an equal sign
Eg. 2x-6

One Step Equations
1. Isolate the Variable
2. Cancel the Constant using a Zero Pair
3. Balance - What you do to one side, do to the other.
4. Verify to check

Two Step Equations

1. Isolate the Variable
2. Cancel the Constant
3. Balance
4. Simplify the Variable
5. Balance
6. Verify

These links can help you and get you to understand better.

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